
Sistema solar de calentamiento de agua.

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Solar water heating system

Instalation Solar water heating system for your house with KiDi-Solar

The Solar water heating system is installed on the roof of a private house, dacha, cottage, office, warehouse or on a plot of land. Installation of a solar power plant by Natural Energy is a service that includes a site visit (Marbella and Andalucia region), measurements, engineering calculations, equipment selection, delivery and installation of equipment, connection, start-up and system check. Efficiency, safety and longevity of the SES depends on the quality of installation. At the calculation stage, specialists take into account the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the equipment. They analyse the roof, the angle of inclination, the side of light, and the diversity of the solar fields to be installed. That is why it is important to entrust the installation of the solar plant to professionals. KiDi-solar specialists have received specialized higher education, have been certified by the manufacturers of solar energy equipment, and have more than 7 years of experience. KiDi-solar portfolio of completed work already includes more than 89 Solar Water Heater.

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We work only with reliable equipment, proven in operation in Spain, with a guarantee of up to 25 years.

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Solar water heating system with the sun and save up to 50% on your bill.

Solar water heating system take advantage of the free and inexhaustible energy of the sun in your home. A solar thermal system produces hot water for daily use, for your swimming pool and even to support your Solar water heating system. You reduce your gas, diesel and/or electricity consumption and reduce your CO 2 emissions .

Solar water heating system

Save every day. Solar water heating system.

According to the IDAE (Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving), 26% of energy consumption in Spanish homes is used to generate hot water. Why not reduce this cost by taking advantage of the sun's energy? It is free, environmentally friendly and inexhaustible. In addition, it allows you to reduce your dependence on constant increases in gas and electricity.

With solar thermal panels you can cover up to 80% of your domestic hot water (DHW) needs. That is, the water that comes out of the taps at home.

An example of savings. Single-family house of 200 m² with 6 people. The hot water consumption is calculated at 61,300 litres per year (28 litres per day per person, according to the Technical Building Code). In other words: 3,700 kWh per year. With a standard natural gas boiler, the annual cost would be €137. If a solar panel and a storage tank are installed, 65% of the energy needed to heat water could be provided. This is based on the annual solar radiation in a central area of the Spanish peninsula. In other words, a saving of €82 per year.


In addition, Solar water heating system can also generate hot water for:

Solar water heating system in your swimming pool.
Contribute to your heating system.


Take care of the planet.

Solar energy is renewable and clean: with its use no polluting gases harmful to health are emitted. Nor greenhouse gases, such as CO2. So if you install a solar thermal panel at home, you are helping to protect the environment. And to combat climate change.


Can I install panels at home?

Solar thermal systems are recommended for all types of homes: single-family houses, semi-detached houses, flats... Also in offices and businesses. You need an outside surface to install the collectors: they are usually placed on the roof, whether it is flat or sloping.

There are practical kits to cover the different domestic hot water needs, depending on the size of the house and the number of inhabitants. There are also solutions that support the existing heating and cooling system. And if you want to heat the water in your swimming pool, a solar thermal system is ideal.

Solar water heating system

What does a Solar water heating system installation look like?

A solar thermal installation for obtaining domestic hot water is generally made up of:

-Solar panels. They are the fundamental components of the system. They capture solar energy and transmit it to a fluid that circulates inside them.
-Accumulators. They come into operation according to demand at times of little or no solar radiation.
-Heat exchangers. They are installed when heat is to be transferred from one fluid to another without mixing. -In this way, the two circuits are separated.
-Circulation pumps. Driven by an electric motor, they drive the fluid through the circuit.
-Insulation. Prevents heat loss to the outside.
-Expansion vessel. Absorbs the expansion of the fluid contained in a closed circuit, caused by temperature increases.

What about thermosyphon solar systems?

They are very easy to install, even in homes where there is already another hot water generation system.

They have many advantages: they do not require a power supply or circulation pump, they do not take up space inside the house and they are easy to install. The tank is located just above the panel to receive the hot water. The secret is that the hot water rises by itself, there is no need to use a pump.


Order the installation quickly

Quick and professional installation of a Solar water heating system in Málaga, Marbella. We work throughout Andalusia.

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